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Koos myomas jalad ja seljavalu

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Aug 8, 2011 Uterine myomas, the most common benign, solid, pelvic tumors in women, occur in 20%–40% of women in their reproductive years and form the most common indication for hysterectomy. Various factors affect the choice of the best treatment modality for a given patient. Asymptomatic myomas.Dec 23, 2015 Myomas are the most common benign tumors of the genital organs in women of childbearing age, causing significant morbidity and impairing their quality of life. In our investigation, we have reviewed the epidemiological data related to the development of myomas in order to homogenize the current.Uterine Comment in Lancet. 2001 May 12;357(9267):1530-1.Mar It is estimated that at least 50% of fibroids are asymptomatic, but this figure is likely to be an underestimate.

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